
Lismore Museum has a total collection of more than 20,000 items, divided between Museum objects and Research Archive items. Our major objects are on display at all times; the remainder are carefully kept in storage areas. Detailed information about the items, such as description, historic significance and provenance, are entered into a computerised museum database. To minimise handling, and to enhance access for research and interpretative purposes, digital images of the items are progressively being made.


The Museum collection consists of almost 5000 objects covering a wide range of subject areas. Most of the more significant items fall within the categories of river navigation and/or timber cutting, and social history connected to the farming industry, reflecting the pioneering life of the squatters, some of whom brought with them their former culture in the form of luxury items such as pianos and other fine furniture. The textile and clothing collection is quite extensive.


There is a sizeable collection of artworks, representing local scenes and/or buildings, and several photographic portraits of significant local figures, and a fine collection of natural history items which includes a taxonomic display of stuffed birds, an egg collection, snakes, minerals, and a shell and other marine-related collections. The numismatics collection includes almost 200 coins and medals.


One of the most significant items is a large collection of both hardwood and rainforest samples, which creates a dramatic display down the corridors of the museum. It is extremely comprehensive and comes close to representing all types of hardwood and rainforest timber that were cut and milled in the region during the 19th Century. There are also many Bundjalung objects ranging from weapons and tools to domestic items, such as finely made dilly bags that have great technical and aesthetic significance, and musical implements.
